Welcome to TEDfolio.com

Teacher Education Portfolio: An On-Going Study to Becoming an Effective Teacher.

This site is intended to be a collaborative work for teachers to learn more about how to use Google applications in the classroom, beginning with my peers at Creative Performing Media Arts Middle School, in San Diego, California, where I am blessed to teach both Fine Art and Multimedia Design (Digital Art), to 6th, 7th & 8th graders.

The site will also present my progress in the Induction Program, which I enrolled in for the 2017-18 school year, to clear my Single Subject Teaching Credential.

Finally, as I learn new experiences in my continual strive to learn about Educational Technology, I will frequently update and link sites and services I have found useful, as well as the multitude of sites I have created during my teaching career.

Who am I? Here's my bio page from our school website (from the 2017-2018 school year).

Jordan Peterson: "Develop a Vision & Take Responsibility"
Zuckerberg: "The Biggest Key to Success is Just Getting Started."